Why Go? (Ferry Corsten remix) (part of “Goliath, Part 5: The Millenium of Truth” DJ‐mix)

~ Recording by Faithless

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.18Why Go? (Ferry Corsten remix)3:54FaithlessGoliath, Part 5: The Millenium of TruthDJ NonsdromeDJ-mix
  • CH1999-08-11
DJ Beat Records07243 5226792 7


recording of:Why Go?

Why Go?

writer:Boy George
Estelle (British vocalist/MC Estelle Swaray)
Maxi Jazz
Rollo (Rollo Armstrong of Faithless)
Sister Bliss