Lament (Flexipop version)

~ Recording by The Cure

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.1Lament (Flexipop version)4:36The CureLamentThe CureSingle
Flexi-PopFlexipop 022
1.9Lament (Flexipop version)4:36The CureJoin the Dots: B-Sides and RaritiesThe CureAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2004-01-26
Fiction981 463-0
1.9Lament (Flexipop version)4:36The CureJoin the Dots: B-Sides and RaritiesThe CureAlbum + Compilation
  • US2004-01-27
Rhino (reissue label)R2 78043
1.9Lament (Flexipop version)4:36The CureJoin the Dots: B‐Sides and Rarities, 1978–2001The CureAlbum + Compilation
  • US2004-01-27
Elektra (1950–1989, revived 2009‐06‐01; read annotations before use)
1.9Lament (Flexipop version)4:36The CureJoin the Dots: B‐Sides and RaritiesThe CureAlbum + Compilation
  • XE2007-10-29
Fiction, Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation), Universal (plain logo “Universal” used by Universal Music and Universal Pictures)5302796
1.9Lament (Flexipop version)?:??The CureJapanese WhispersThe CureAlbum + Compilation
  • JP2008-03-19
Universal International (Japanese label; release must say “制作:Universal International” AND have no logos other than “Universal Music”)UICY-93424
1.1Lament (Flexipop version)4:33The CureSelected B‐Sides & RaritiesThe CureAlbum + Compilation
  • -2003


producer:Anna Pills
Steven Severin
Robert Smith (UK guitarist, vocalist and songwriter for The Cure)
mixer:Robert Smith (UK guitarist, vocalist and songwriter for The Cure)
recording of:Lament (The Cure B‐side song)

Lament (The Cure B‐side song)

lyricist and composer:Robert Smith (UK guitarist, vocalist and songwriter for The Cure)