Atlantis to Interzone (live in Manchester)

~ Recording by Klaxons

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.2Atlantis to Interzone (live in Manchester)4:03KlaxonsGolden SkansKlaxonsSingle
  • GB2007-01-22
Rinse (The Klaxons' label)RINSE 002SX
1.13Atlantis to Interzone (live in Manchester)4:05KlaxonsMyths of the Near FutureKlaxonsAlbum
  • JP2007-03-07
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)UICP-1079
1.6Atlantis To Interzone (Live In Manchester)4:03KlaxonsGolden SkansKlaxonsSingle
Rinse (The Klaxons' label), Because Music (French label)3122432, BEC5772074


recording of:Atlantis to Interzone (live)

Atlantis to Interzone

lyricist:Jamie Reynolds (UK bassist/vocalist (Klaxons))
Simon Taylor-Davis (UK guitarist for The Klaxons)
composer:Jamie Reynolds (UK bassist/vocalist (Klaxons))
James Righton
Simon Taylor-Davis (UK guitarist for The Klaxons)
publisher:Copyright Control (not for release label use! this is only for copyrights and publishing relationships)