The Song's Gotta Come from the Heart

~ Recording by Jimmy Durante, Helen Traubel, Roy Bargy

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.15The Song's Gotta Come from the Heart5:16Sammy CahnMurder on the High CsFlorence Foster Jenkins & FriendsAlbum + Compilation
  • DE2004-09-23
Naxos Nostalgia8.120711
1.15The Song's Gotta Come from the Heart5:16Sammy CahnThe Complete Legacy: 1937-1951Florence Foster JenkinsAlbum + Compilation


additional vocals:Helen Traubel (soprano) (on 1951-01-26)
vocals:Jimmy Durante (on 1951-01-26)
conductor:Roy Bargy (pianist) (on 1951-01-26)