Fits Like a Glove (live, 1984-10-05: Apollo Theatre, Glasgow, Scotland, UK)

~ Recording by KISS

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
8.10Fits Like a Glove?:??KISSMK VKISSAlbum + Compilation + Live
  • XE2012-11-14
The Godfather Box (bootleg producer)G.R. BOX 16


recorded at:KISS at Apollo Theatre (1984-10-05)
recorded at:The Apollo in Glasgow (on 1984-10-05)
recording of:Fits Like a Glove (on 1984-10-05: live)

Fits Like a Glove

lyricist and composer:Gene Simmons (KISS bassist and vocalist)
publisher:Hori Productions America Inc.
KISS (publisher for the rock band KISS, formerly KISS Songs Inc.) (from 1983 to ????)