1995-08-29: Sprechfunk, "Amerika"

~ Recording by Jürgen Kuttner

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.11995-08-29: Sprechfunk, "Amerika"3:09:15Jürgen Kuttner1995-08-29: Sprechfunk, "Amerika"Jürgen KuttnerBroadcast
  • DE1995-08-29
Radio Fritz


additional performer:M.C. Lücke (radio host)
performer:Jürgen Kuttner
compilation of:Don’t Bogart Me by The Fraternity of Man
Gute Nacht ("Good Night") (Die Winterreise, No. 1) by Lotte Lehmann (soprano), Paul Ulanowsky (pianist)
The WASP (Texas Radio and the Big Beat) (original studio mix) by The Doors
sampled by:1995-09-05: Sprechfunk, "Junge Menschen im Selbstversuch"
samples:1995-06-06: Sprechfunk, "Verführung"