Adieu mon amoreuse joye, R. 48

~ Recording by Gothic Voices, Christopher Page

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.3Adieu mon amoreuse joye, R. 483:00Gilles de Bins dit BinchoisThe Spirits of England and France, 3: Binchois and His ContemporariesGothic Voices, Christopher PageAlbum
Hyperion (UK classical)CDA66783
1.3Adieu mon amoreuse joye, R. 483:00Gilles de Bins dit BinchoisThe Spirits of England and France, 3: Binchois and His ContemporariesGothic Voices, Christopher PageAlbum
helios (UK classical)CDH55283


recording of:Adieu mon amoureuse joye

Adieu mon amoureuse joye

composer:Gilles Binchois (Franco-Flemish early Renaissance composer, 1400-1460)