Eastern Cape

~ Subdivision


An alias is an alternate name for an entity. They typically contain common misspellings or variations of the name and are also used to improve search results. View the alias documentation for more details.

AliasSort nameBegin dateEnd dateTypeLocale
Oos-KaapArea nameAfrikaans (primary)
OstkapArea nameGerman (primary)
Eastern CapeArea nameEnglish (primary)
東ケープ州Area nameJapanese (primary)
Kapa BohlabelaArea nameNorthern Sotho (primary)
Eastern CapeArea nameSwati (primary)
Kapa BotjhabelaArea nameSouthern Sotho (primary)
Eastern CapeArea nameTswana (primary)
Kapa VhubvaḓuvhaArea nameVenda (primary)
IPhondo yaMpuma-KoloniArea nameXhosa (primary)
KwaXhosaArea nameZulu (primary)