Garden Party

~ Recording by Mezzoforte

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.2Garden Party6:10MezzoforteSurprise SurpriseMezzoforteAlbum
SteinarSTE LP02
1.11Garden Party?:??MezzoforteChart Encounters of the Hit KindVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Ronco Records4C RTL 2091 A
1.2Garden Party6:10MezzoforteSurprise SurpriseMezzoforteAlbum
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)811 724-1
1.8Garden Party6:10MezzoforteStereoplay Highlights CD 6: Meisterwerke aus Pop und RockVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
PolyGram, stereoplay825 998-2
1.2Garden Party6:10MezzoforteSurprise SurpriseMezzoforteAlbum
RCA (RCA Records: simple ‘RCA’ or ‘RCA’ with lightning bolt in circle)ND 74131
2.4Garden Party6:07MezzoforteDonna's Dansfolie 82-83-84Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX)COL 475 943-2
1.2Garden Party6:10MezzoforteSurprise SurpriseMezzoforteAlbum
ZYX MusicZYX 10024-2
2.7Garden Party6:10MezzoforteThe Best of Mastercuts: A Definitive Collection From the Mastercuts SeriesVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Virgin TV, MastercutsVTDCD 101
1.16Garden Party6:10MezzoforteThe Best of 1980–1990, Volume 13Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • GB1999-03-16
  • DE1999-04-17
EMI Electrola (more likely the company trademark of EMI Electrola GmbH than an imprint)7243 4 94443 2 4
1.7Garden Party6:10MezzoforteUlli Wengers One Hit Wonder, Volume 5Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • DE2003-12-29
Ganser & Hanke Media770 411-2
1.2Garden Party6:11MezzoforteAnniversary EditionMezzoforteAlbum
  • DE2007-04-13
BHM Productions
3.14Garden Party6:10MezzoforteDiscobar Galaxie: Inside the SoundsystemVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • BE2009-11-09
EMI Music Belgium5099945603822, 5099945603921, 5099945604027


engineer and producer:Geoff Calver (Sound engineer)
guitar:Fridrik Karlsson
keyboard:Eythór Gunnarsson
recorded at:PRT Studios (Precision Records and Tapes) in London (Greater London)
mixed at:Red Bus Studios in London (Greater London)
recording of:Garden Party

Garden Party

composer:Eythór Gunnarsson
publisher:Carlin Music Ltd. (from 1983 to present)
Steinar Music Ltd. (publisher) (from 1983 to present)
Melodie der Welt (publisher) (in 1991)
Steinar Music (publisher) (in 1991)