Flying (stereo)

~ Recording by Carmen McRae

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.11Flying2:36Carmen McRaeFor Once in My Life (stereo)Carmen McRaeAlbum
  • US1967-04-10
Atlantic (Warner Music imprint)SD 8143


recording engineer:Keith Grant (classical recording engineer) (in 1967)
producer:Joel Dorn
vocals:Carmen McRae (in 1967)
conductor:Johnny Keating (Scottish trombonist and composer, aka John Keating) (in 1967)
arranger:Johnny Keating (Scottish trombonist and composer, aka John Keating)
recorded at:Olympic Studios (1966-2009) in Barnes (in 1967)