I Keep Hoping

~ Recording by Foreigner

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.9I Keep Hoping5:10ForeignerMr. MoonlightForeignerAlbum
  • GB1994-10-31
BMG (the former Bertelsmann Music Group, defunct since 2004-08-05; for releases dated 2008 and later, see annotation), Arista74321 232852, 74321232852
1.9I Keep Hoping5:10ForeignerMr. MoonlightForeignerAlbum
  • JP1994-11-23
1.3I Keep Hoping5:12ForeignerForeigner: The Best BalladsForeignerAlbum + Compilation
EastWest Records America (this label only briefly used between 1990–91, please read annotations before use)
1.15I Keep Hoping4:30ForeignerBest BalladsForeignerAlbum + CompilationKJF (also known as KJF-31-867 and KFJ-31-867)WM 20021996-1