Al Capone

~ Recording by Cherry Laine

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.2Al Capone4:40Cherry LaineNo More MondayCherry LaineSingle
CBS (CBS Records’ international imprint from 1962–1990; renamed since 1991 as Columbia)CBS 9367, CBS S 9367
1.11Al Capone4:41Cherry LaineI'm HotCherry LaineAlbum
CBS (CBS Records’ international imprint from 1962–1990; renamed since 1991 as Columbia)CD83608


producer:Karl-Heinz Merkel (songwriter and producer)
arranger:Karl-Heinz Merkel (songwriter and producer)
phonographic copyright (℗) by:CBS Schallplatten GmbH (in 1980)
recording of:Al Capone

Al Capone

lyricist:Cherry Laine
composer:Karl-Heinz Merkel (songwriter and producer)
publisher:MdW (publisher) (in 1980)