7 Days Over You

~ Recording by Poison

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.87 Days Over You4:13PoisonNative TonguePoisonAlbum
  • XE1993-02-16
Capitol Records (imprint of Capitol Records, Inc.)0777 7 98961 2 7
1.87 Days Over You4:13PoisonNative TonguePoisonAlbum
Capitol Records (imprint of Capitol Records, Inc.), BMG Direct Marketing, Inc. (BMG company that owned their direct marketing company/club editions)CDP 0777 7 98961 2 7, D 101194
1.87 Days Over You4:13PoisonNative TonguePoisonAlbum
Capitol Records (imprint of Capitol Records, Inc.)CDP 0777 7 98961 2 7
1.87 Days Over You4:13PoisonNative TonguePoisonAlbum
Capitol Records (imprint of Capitol Records, Inc.)0777 7 98961 2 7, CDESTU 2190
1.87 Days Over You4:13PoisonNative TonguePoisonAlbumCapitol Records (imprint of Capitol Records, Inc.)