St. James Infirmary

~ Recording by Jungle Boldie

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.7St. James Infirmary3:30Jungle BoldieJungle BoldieJungle BoldieAlbum


recording engineer:Fir Suidema
Bert van der Wolf (producer, engineer)
bass:Tony Overwater (from 2009-09-24 until 2009-09-25)
bass clarinet and tenor saxophone:Maarten Ornstein (from 2009-09-24 until 2009-09-25)
drums (drum set):Wim Kegel (Dutch drummer) (from 2009-09-24 until 2009-09-25)
recorded at:Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem (from 2009-09-24 until 2009-09-25)
recording of:St. James Infirmary (from 2009-09-24 until 2009-09-25: cover)

St. James Infirmary

lyricist and composer:[traditional] (special purpose artist)
later versions:Those Gambler’s Blues
is the basis for:Chittlin' Cookin' Time in Cheatham Country
St. James Infirmary (McGuinn new lyric)
arrangements:St. James Infirmary (Joe Primrose’s arrangement)
St. James Infirmary (Hans Theessink arrangement)