St. James Infirmary

~ Recording by Whitehorse

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.6St. James Infirmary6:03WhitehorseThe Northern South, Vol. 2WhitehorseEP
  • XW2019-01-18
Six Shooter Records (Canadian independent record label)
1.6St. James Infirmary6:03WhitehorseThe Northern South, Vol. 2WhitehorseEP
  • CA2019-01-18
Six Shooter Records (Canadian independent record label)
1.6St. James Infirmary6:03WhitehorseThe Northern South Vol. 2WhitehorseEP
Six Shooter Records (Canadian independent record label)SIX118


engineer:Stephen Koszler
producer:Luke Doucet
phonographic copyright (℗) by:Six Shooter Records (Canadian independent record label) (in 2018)
recorded at:Revolution Recording in Toronto
recording of:St. James Infirmary

St. James Infirmary

lyricist and composer:[traditional] (special purpose artist)
later versions:Those Gambler’s Blues
is the basis for:Chittlin' Cookin' Time in Cheatham Country
St. James Infirmary (McGuinn new lyric)
arrangements:St. James Infirmary (Joe Primrose’s arrangement)
St. James Infirmary (Hans Theessink arrangement)