Seagulls on Our Shirts

~ Recording by Terry Garoghan

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.26Seagulls on Our Shirts2:23Terry GaroghanBrighton the Musical 2000Terry GaroghanAlbum
Baldy Records (Terry Garoghan)
1.26Seagulls on Our Shirts2:23Terry GaroghanBrighton the Musical 1996-2012: BoxsetTerry GaroghanAlbum + Compilation
Baldy Records (Terry Garoghan)


lead vocals:Terry Garoghan
stream for free: [info]
recording of:Seagulls on Our Shirts

Seagulls on Our Shirts

lyricist:Terry Garoghan
parody version of:Three Lions