Desperate Man

~ Recording by David Allan Coe

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.5Desperate Man3:46David Allan CoeStanding Too Close to the FlameDavid Allan CoeAlbum
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)none
1.6Desperate Man3:41David Allan CoeSongwriter of the TearDavid Allan CoeAlbum + Compilation
Cleveland International RecordsCIR 1027
1.11Desperate Man3:46David Allan CoeBest of Country SongsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Topmaster Ltd.2509
1.6DesperateMan3:44David Allan CoeSongwriter of the TearDavid Allan CoeAlbum + Compilation


recording of:Desperate Man

Desperate Man

lyricist and composer:David Allan Coe