Soul Intro / The Chicken

~ Recording by Jaco Pastorius

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.1Soul Intro / The Chicken8:00Jaco PastoriusThe Birthday ConcertJaco Pastorius
Warner Bros. Records (1958–2019; “WB” logo, with or without “records” beneath or on banner across)9362-45290-2


baritone saxophone:Randy Emerick
bass:Jaco Pastorius
bass clarinet and soprano saxophone:Bob Mintzer
drums (drum set):Peter Erskine (American jazz drummer)
French horn:Jerry Peel
Peter Gordon (French hornist)
Steve Roitstein (french horn player)
percussion:Oscar Salas
saxophone and woodwind:Dan Bonsanti
Gary Lindsay (arranger/composer, performer, educator and author)
Neal Bonsanti
tenor saxophone:Bob Mintzer
Michael Brecker (American jazz saxophonist, multi-instrumentalist and composer)
trombone:Dave Bargeron (US trombonist & tubist)
Mike Katz (arranger/composer, performer, educator and author)
Russ Freeland (trombonist)
trumpet:Brett Murphy
Brian O'Flaherty (a trumpet player)
Ken Faulk (trumpet player)
Melton Mustafa
tuba:Dave Bargeron (US trombonist & tubist)