I’ll Cry Instead

~ Recording by The Beatles

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.23I'll Cry Instead1:47The Beatles1962–1966The BeatlesAlbum + Compilation
Euroton (Hungarian bootleg label)EUCD-0013
1.11I’ll Cry Instead1:45The BeatlesBest, Volume 4: 1964The BeatlesAlbum + CompilationCTA ("The CTA collections are unauthorized compilations that were allowable under Japanese law")TF-24


recording of:I’ll Cry Instead

I’ll Cry Instead

writer:John Lennon (The Beatles)
Paul McCartney (The Beatles)
publisher:Blackwood Music Inc. (1953-02-07–1987-12-30)
Maclen Music, Inc. (U.S. based publisher for Lennon–McCartney)
Northern Songs Ltd.
Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC (1995–2020)
Unart Music Corp.