夜機 (live, 1999-10-07: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre)

~ Recording by 陳慧嫻

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.17夜機3:10陳慧嫻拉闊音樂陳慧嫻 + 蘇永康Album + Live
Cinepoly Records, 正東唱片534385-2


lead vocals:陳慧嫻 (Hong Kong singer) (on 1999-10-07)
recorded at:夕德輝黃拉闊創作人音樂會 (1999-10-07)
phonographic copyright (℗) by:Cinepoly Records Co., Ltd. (in 1998)
recorded at:Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in Wan Chai (on 1999-10-07)
recording of:夜機 (on 1999-10-07: live)


lyricist:陳少琪 (lyricist)
composer:Robert Jung (producer, lyricist, composer and singer)
Ralph Siegel
translated version of:So viele Lieder sind in mir