Groovy Train (Terry Farley remix)

~ Recording by The Farm

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.1Groovy Train (Terry Farley remix)4:07The FarmGroovy TrainThe FarmSingle
  • GB1990-08-20
Produce Records (UK label owned by the band The Farm)CD MILK 102
2.1Groovy Train (Terry Farley mix)4:06The FarmBoxsetacusThe FarmOther + Compilation
  • GB1993-02-01
Produce Records (UK label owned by the band The Farm)MILK BC1


recording of:Groovy Train

Groovy Train

lyricist:Peter Hooton
composer:Steve Grimes (The Farm)
publisher:Virgin Music (publisher and label, only for releases with Virgin MUSIC logo)